MOTOREX PROCESS MANAGEMENT ONLINE is an excellent tool for an appropriate data collection and data assessment for machining fluids. This is how authorised users may log in on an internet portal. Data, for example of a cooling lubricant, may be entered directly into a data entry frame and afterwards assessed, displayed optically for easy understanding, mailed and archived. MOTOREX-PMO is of modular structure and covers the diverse issues in the fields of machining fluids, logistics, maintenance, and machine management.
The PMO-User Tools
Operation the PMO-interface may be rated das mature and user friendly. The first that you see after login is the welcome screen with a status overview. A mailing-/information - and alert system has been integrated as well, so that you may see important messages at a glance. For each user a file saving option with machines and consumables for lodging data sheets or order forms may be set up.
Popular calendar feature
A very popular feature is the PMO calendar schedule planning option. For each user annual-, monthly-, weekly-, and daily schedules of tasks to do may be set up to be displayed in various overview modes. At the same time task parameters may be displayed as symbols, like for example: Substitution, overstepping the nominal date, schedule task, revision task, measurement profile, and many more. Furthermore there is a personnel calendar with responsibilites based access rights and printing task forms/instructions for offline data collection is possible as well.
Core feature assessments
The actual core feature of MOTOREX-PMO is the assessment feature. It comprises the following:
- Online data assessment by means of adjustable assessment profiles
- Representation of laboratory reports
- Differenciating analysis of laboratory- and workshop measurements
- Automatic reporting in case of limits being overrun
- Compilation of machine reports in PDF-format
- Cost- and consumption analyses
- Excel-interface
- Grids for long-term analyses/assessments
Value data once collected in
MOTOREX-PMO may be, at any time, represented in a visually appealing manner thanks to the online-analysis and various diagram feature by means of a few clicks. Values may also be converted into image formats, for example as JPG, and printed in image quality.

Structured PMO-Introduction
The implementation of MOTOREX PROCESS MANAGEMENT ONLINE is done in modular steps and may be subdivided into the following stages:
- Status analysis at the customer’s
- Set-up of lubrication schedules
- Set-up of logistics for lubricants
- Set-up of machines documentation
- Provision of soft- and hardware for data collection
- Set-up of data bases
- Streamlining the diversity and multiplicity of fluids
- Personnel training
- Indication of potential for savings
- Plant design (filter-, cleaning systems, pipe works, etc.)
- Efficiency control
The benefits of MOTOREX-PMO
Seen objectively the completely implemented PMO results in focussing on the core business, namely the machining and production of component parts. By means of simplified work procedures the metal machining professionals may fully and completely concentrate on their main task and may, by means of perfected overall logistics, improve machine utilisation and added value. At the same time there is a stabilisation of quality standards as simplified procedures and the curbed risk of confusion ensure safe processes. Eliminating sources of error and even more efficient work result in markedly lower cost per component.